Saturday, October 17, 2009

Colors of America

If you have been in the shop lately, you've noticed the moving of some displays. The goal is to have like items closer together, to make sense of the space. For example, the paint chip display is closer the actual California Paint products that it's representing now.

Following that logic, the massive "Colors of America" circular display needed to be closer to the paints as well. These Fres~Coat sample pots had to be taken down and then replaced to facilitate the move.

While putting the paint sample jars back, the system of color names proved interesting. Under the heading, "Historic Colors", were the standard reliable names the summon up stable thoughts of founding fathers and mothers: Asher Benjamin, Hawthorne Green and Lady Banksia. These shades welcome autumn back safely into your home and everyone admires them.

Then we have the "Color Revolution" heading. These are the names that tickel and surprise. Under the subheading "Hipster" there's a vibrant orange called Coctail Hour and a lush blue called Trust Fund Baby that gives that tasteful, prosperous vibe. Under "Empty Nest" there's What Inheritance?, a creamy cool butter shade and a peachy Breakfast in Bed color that flatters everyone's complexion. "Bachelor's" subheading offers colors like Alpha Male brown and The Ego Has Landed red that are fun.

For next summer(yeah, thinking that far ahead), the calm serenity of the "sancuary" colors is going to be my staycation inspiration. Nourish will be good for the woodwork, as it's that perfect greeny-blue that whispers summer. Calm is a basic white whit a hint of green that will make a great accent wall. Bask, looking like a blush, will make a great powder room tint.

This is the decade of purple, the industry's colorists crow. Until Refuge and Harmony appeared, there was serious doubt. But both these colors have a muted, peaceful hie that makes them seem karmatic.

So as each season arrives, the Colors of America circular display is a good place to look for new ideas in Fres~Coat and sometimes a giggle as well.


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