Wednesday, March 31, 2010

7 Questions with Artist Chris Reed

Encaustic by Chris Reed

1. What do you do when you're not feeling creative? How do you get back in your groove?

I rarely am in a deficit for creative energy. When I'm looking for that extra boost, meditation provides the stillness and concentration to be more engaged in the present moment.

2. Do you think creativity is innate or learned or both?

I believe creativity is innate in all of us, yet can be greatly augmented through our connection to the environment and one another, which is the best education.

3. What has been your biggest influence or inspiration in the past? Currently?

In addition to other artists, the natural environment has always been inspiring to my painting. More recently, architectural decay, including the effects of oxidation have complemented my process as well.

Encaustic by Chris Reed

4. How do you feel living in Maine affects your work?

The natural beauty of Maine and slow pace of life is very nurturing for being an artist that I appreciate more all the time.

5. Who is/who are your favorite artist/artists? What do you love about them or their art?

Jasper Johns, Anselm Kiefer, and Gerhard Richter are at the forefront of my artistic influences. I am most intrigued by their tactile and applicatory use of the painting medium.

6. If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would go and what would you do?

I would embark on a trip to either the Greek Islands or the Tuscany region of Italy to capture the stunning light.

7. What's your best advice to beginning artists?

My best advice to beginning artists: Always be mindful of the beauty that awaits.


Chris Reed graduated from Bowdoin with a degree in Visual Arts. Chris has exhibited in Portland Galleries and taught at The New School in Kennebunk and Saco/OOB Adult Ed.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Biddeford Art Walk

The Biddeford Art Walk is almost upon us. That's why we have had a flurry of artists (like a flock of birds or a gaggle of geese) in Sam's Place. (editors note: we do not intentionally allow birds or geese in the shop) We have supplied artists with hanging wire, "s" hooks and various small brads for their frames. Someone's been in for core board, another for tape. All these excited preparations remind one of the hours before a much anticipated wedding.

Art shows and weddings are both days of commitment, fear and celebration. Expectations scatter in the brain like confetti. The public will love it. The public will hate it. Does this gown make me look like the back end of a milk truck?

There's the inevitable moment of panic before the ceremony. Does he have the ring? Is the paint dry? I should have gone into short stories.

Finally, there is the eventual pride and peace when it all comes together like a well-catered affair. So too, the art show arrives and artists' work is waiting for you to fall in love enough to carry them off and hang them in your home (another editor's note: think I'll stick with art shows and avoid the whole wedding thing).

Following the commitment there is the reception and here is where the wedding and the art show usually diverge. Receptions can be fraught with corny DJs and rambling drunken toasts delivered by your emotional college buddy. Art shows as lively as the Mill installations provide the opportunities for live music, dancing dogs, yummy foods for purchase and the fabulous company of like-minded art-makers and art-lovers; feels like a party!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What's Going On?


March 13th & 14th

The Portland Museum of Art's Movies @ the Museum will show "North Face", the story of the challenge to scale the Murder Wall of the Alps in 1936. The film is subtitled and runs 2:06 minutes. Shows start at 2pm both days.

March 20th

Bread and Bones will perform at the Saco Coffeehouse at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 60 School Street in Saco, show starts at 7pm with an open mic and Bread and Bones at 8pm. Bread and Bones is an acoustic trio performing original and traditional songs from America and the British Isles.

Bread and Bones, Photo from their website


Professional Artist Judith Kinsman will teach Watercolors for Beginners and Beyond and an additional class, Watercolor Florals. Both will be offered Wednesdays. There is always a lot of positive feedback about Judith's classes. Sign up through Old Orchard Beach/Saco Adult Education.

Russ Whitten will be teaching Inspirations in Drawing on Mondays from 6-8p beginning May 3rd. His focus will be perception and composition in nature.

Elizabeth Shore will be teaching traditional oil, water-mixed oil and acrylic at Sam's Place, Wednesdays April 7, 14, 21 and 28th from 12:30-2:30pm. Repeat enrollments are common because students often want to hone their paint skills.

Saco Center's Senior College
Bob Dunn will teach Museum Masterpieces. It is a class that teaches appreciation for the Impressionistic movement that took the art world by storm. Classes will be held at the Dyer Library.